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Hey guys! Welcome to another new month!!!
4th Feb was my birthday, i know i gave a clue that February was my birth month Here thou i didn't actually specify what date it was, sorry my bad. Thank you to everyone who sent in their messages, those who called on that day, am so grateful, thanks you guys made my day.

Alright lets get to to today's topic which we will revolve around rejuvenating dry and dull skin into that glow skin that you desire. Abeg if you know you don't want a beautiful skin please raise your hand 🙋 (looks left and right, ok nobody, so lets continue)

Dry and dull skin is one thing nobody wants to deal with, yes i know because am one of those that used to have this terrible dry and wrinkled skin 😒. Yes i used the word "used to" because my skin is a work in progress so it's a lot better than what it used to be. Its not yet perfect or flawless but BETTER!!! 

I will be sharing the few tips the few tips that has helped me care for my skin below.

Drinking Water: I think a lot of people don't like drinking water and when asked, they give one reason or the other why they do not like water. Maybe it's because water is tasteless but girlfriend most celebrities with glow flawless skin will always tell you that the secret to their wonderful skin is water!  so if you want that flawless-slay skin, drink water!!!! If you do not like drinking plain water, infuse yours with fruits like lemon, cucumber and other fruits if your choice. Am a living witness to the many benefits of water therapy because the moment i discovered this secret and made it a habit of drinking 5-6 litters a day, my skin has never looked clearer. The wrinkles has gradually began to fade and i can tell you that my skin is a lot brighter than what it used to be 😆

Exfoliate: This is one ritual most beauty experts will recommend. Exfoliating helps renew the skin by removing dead skin layers. Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking soda ) is my to-go exfoliating agent anytime, any-day. I have used it for years and i love it because my skin love it. It has worked well for me. It helps remove dead cells, balances PH level of the skin and leaves it smooth and shiny. My advice is that you go for what ever scrub that works for you.

Use a Moisturizer: Using moisturizers helps improve the skin elasticity. I have come to realize that i can't live without one! 
Moisturizers are known to help re-hydrate the skin, replenish dry skin areas, soften the roughest skin part, keep wrinkles at bay and above all brighten your skin. for that shiny glow skin, try incorporating this into your skin routine and thank me later *wink

Skip the long hot water bath: I know that feeling you get when you soak in a hot bath after a long day's job. Ahhhh!!!!!!! 😥😥 hot bath helps ease the body pain and make your feel good right? but sweetie if you want to slay that skin of yours, please! and please! leave hot water alone biko! in fact run as much as your legs can carry you else dull and wrinkled skin will catch up with you, don't say i didn't tell you oh! Lol.  

Eat Healthy: Have you heard of the slang "Abs are made in the kitchen" this slang are mostly used by those who are into healthy lifestyle and i love it. So for me, glow/flawless skin are achieved from not just the products you put on them but from what you feed it from the inside. You do not need to break your bank account to eat healthy because eating healthy can be as simple as just taking veggies and fruits that are in season, making smoothies or simple salad out them. These fruits gives the skin the necessary vitamins that are needed by our body. Eat lots of fruits with high content of Vitamin C and watch your skin come alive. For those who knows me or follow me on IG, you can testify that my love for green smoothies which has Cucumber, Avocado and Water melon knows no bound. i love these fruits like kilode. Veggies like Celery, Parsley, Ugu (pumpkin leave), and spinach has always been known to help clear the skin so i always choose to incorporate them in my smoothies 😆

These are the few tips that has helped me with my skin. What skin care routine has worked for? is there any listed above that you could try or swap with yours? i will love to hear from you so leave me a comment below.

Francis Addy


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